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Soil Health • Seeds • Grasses • Legumes • Broadleaf • Blends • Application & Termination • Grazing

Our Operation

Our farming operation is primarily corn and beans, but the real focus is on our soil livestock; specifically managing and promoting our soil life herd of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes. Through our conservation practices (reduced tillage) and implementation of a cover crop program, we have observed a significant increase in the health of our soils including reduced weed pressure (fewer pesticides) and erosion (nutrient leaching) coupled with better soil tilth and water holding capacity all of which are a direct result of soil life. Managing our soil life keeps our production economically and environmentally sound and ultimately has led to better than average profit margins.

Claybrook Acres will continue this journey with soil health as our focal point but also taking the next logical step to increase the “Quality” of our crops. We feel crop quality (nutrient density) is the next major hurdle in cropping systems today, the health of our nation depends on it (from both the farmer and consumer perspective).  Cover crops and conservation practices were step one; step two involves balanced nutritional uptake by our crops to build nutrient-dense food (less susceptible to insect and disease pests) and reducing practices (and products) that compromise the soil livestock herd. We have partnered with Crop Services International out of Michigan to guide us on this path. CSI is recognized for 40 years of “Balancing Minerals and Bioactivating Microbes” to improve soil health and crop quality. What does this mean to our farm- it means utilizing the system we have built and adjusting some of our practices to further promote soil and plant health leading to better crop quality.

Fertilizers &  Pesticides
Research & Development
Logistics & Equipment
Cover Crops

Recognizing the importance of soil stewardship we have incorporated the benefits of Cover Crops into our operation. Realizing the biological and production agriculture benefits of covers we saw the opportunity to partner with Center Seeds as Cover Crop Specialist. Our mission, as well as Center Seeds, is to not only provide quality Cover Crop Seed to fellow producers but to educate them on the full benefits of covers.

There is so much more to the Cover Crop Story than to stop erosion. The more we have utilized Covers on our farm the more we learn about the biology beneath the ground generated by Cover Crop. Biology that is a benefit to the soils and crop plant life.

Conservation Projects

Our belief in Soil Stewardship has generated an opportunity to do numerous conservation projects in our area. Projects vary from dry dams, waterways, and structures.

We appreciate you visiting our website and taking an interest in our farm/business. Please feel free to contact us with any aspect of Claybrook Acres LTD please contact us:

George Holsapple: 217-821-5105   •   Thad Holsapple: 217-232-4158

21341 N. 500th St, Jewett, IL 62436

Claybrook Acres Family Photo
About Us

We are the Nation’s Top Supplier for Cover Crop Seeds and Farm Solutions located near Jewett, Illinois. Our family farm/business, Centennial Farm is currently managed by the 5th and 6th generation to live on the farm: George Holsapple and Thad Holsapple.

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Latest News 


November 20, 2020


The soybean cyst nematode sucks the nutrients out of soybean roots, causing more than $1 billion in soybean yield losses in the U.S. each year. A new study finds that one type of fungi can cut the nematodes’ reproductive success by more than half.

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Corn Soybean and Carbon, the necessity of adding Carbon and Cover Crops

October 29, 2020


When I think about the differences between sustainable agriculture and regenerative agriculture, the approach we’ve taken in our work is that regenerative agriculture is all about...

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